Beautiful Smile Through Sedation Dentistry

October 14, 2011

According to a study conducted by the American Academy of Periodontology, 94% of the people you meet notice your smile first. A beautiful smile is worth more than a hundred words of greeting, isn’t it? But what if your smile isn’t as it should be because you are conscious of how your smile looks with your imperfect teeth?Beautiful Smile Through Sedation Dentistry

You may have neglected your dental care needs because of undue fear of the drill or the needles, or because you fear the pain. You don’t have to be anxious or frightened to sit on a dentist’s chair anymore. Get that beautiful smile that you have always dreamed of with sedation dentistry techniques available in Portland, Maine.

You can avail of a variety of options for sedation dentistry from skilled and experienced dentists in West Haven CT. Depending on the level of your anxiety or fear there are options for light sedation, moderate sedation or a bit more for more intense anxiety. Light sedation could be administered an hour before your dental visit or a heavier one could include a sedative that you will have to take the night before your visit.

If you are suffering from misaligned teeth or gaps in your teeth, sedation dentistry is your best option to have this corrected by an experienced sedation dentists in the West Have, CT area. Overcome your fear of the dentist’s chair and get that beautiful smile for everyone to remember you by.

Porcelain Veneers Expert – Charlotte, NC Cosmetic Dentist

October 4, 2011

Can dental veneers  fix your smile? Yes!

Porcelain veneers are a great choice for fixing flawed teeth.  To know all the details about porcelain veneers, have a proper consultation with your Charlotte, NC cosmetic dentist.

Porcelain veneers can correct the following:

  • Chipped teeth
  • Broken teeth
  • Gaps in teeth
  • Discolored or stained fillings
  • Crooked teeth
  • Misshaped teeth
  • Tooth discoloration

There are other types of dental veneers, each with its advantages. If porcelain veneers turn out to be not the right one for you, there are other options that your dentist will discuss with you. One example is composite veneers . Compared to this composite material, porcelain costs more but it is durable. There are other factors that your cosmetic dentist will consider so it’s highly recommended to visit your trusted Charlotte, NC cosmetic dentist for more information.

Porcelain veneers can transform your smile and help you be more self-confident!

2 Qualities to look for in an excellent cosmetic dentist

August 27, 2011

Once you decide that you need the service of a cosmetic dentist, you don’t just go to the yellow page and pick the best sounding dental care clinic that you see or choose the cosmetic dentistry practitioner whose diploma and citations fill-up the page. There are certain steps and measures you have to go through before you choose that person whom you will allow and trust to change your look.

Not all cosmetic dentists can sweeten your look. Aside from the fact that not all dentists are licensed and trained to practice cosmetic dentistry, you must also remember that not all licensed cosmetic dentists have the ability to enhance your look by way of fixing your dental problems.

Qualities you have to look for in your cosmetic dentist

Before you contact any Charlotte, NC cosmetic dentistry practitioner, try to find out what is his specialization. A cosmetic dentist is not just someone who is licensed to practice dentistry. A professional one must not only be trained but must also have a license for practicing this specialized field of dentistry.

Not all dental procedures are performed by any dentist. Make sure that the Portland, Maine cosmetic dentist of your choice is not only licensed but must also be exceptionally skilled. Any dentist can fix most dental problems but there are certain kinds of procedure that need the expertise and skills of a trained cosmetic dentist.

When you look for the reputable cosmetic dentist to help you enhance your look, be sure to take note of his ability and skills to provide you a positive result. A successful practitioner is someone who is not only well trained but also has an inherent artistic talent. After all, you don’t want a technically well executed procedure that will result in a mechanical looking teeth.

You deserve more than a fake cosmetic dental make-over. So keep in mind that when you scout for someone, choose the dentist who appears to have a long list of satisfied clients. This is the only indication that your cosmetic dentist in Charlotte, NC is not only well-trained and experienced but also has the ability and talent to deliver a satisfactory result.

Sedation dentist: key to perfect smile with no pain

August 27, 2011

For most Americans going to the dentist is one of the most fearsome activity in this world. Regardless of the fact that toothach

es always give one a numbing pain, people — whether young or old, will never voluntarily visit the dentist.

Any unfit dental hygiene will not only affect a person’s oral health but his overall well-being as well. In the long run, it is not only painful to suffer through a toothache or throbbing gum pains but it might also become a serious health threat to the sufferer.

Good thing there is an answer to their fear — sedation dentists. Without them, people’s fear of any dental procedure will definitely create a problem in the dental hygiene of each person afraid of the dentist.

Twilight dentistry, wherein a patient is given to ease and somewhat numb the patient’s gum, will provide you with the necessary sedation so that the note-worthy West Haven, CT sedation dentist you visited can easily go through any dental procedure without making you uncomfortable with any distressful pain.

With the right sedation dentist providing you with the right solution to banish any pain, there will be no fear of ever having to come back again and again, painful session after painful session. A pain-free dentist in West Haven, CT will take away your wariness and caginess against any dental procedure.

Quick Facts on Six Month Smiles in Charlotte

August 11, 2011
  • Six Month Smiles is an exciting orthodontic technology offered by your Charlotte cosmetic dentists. It uses clear orthodontic brackets and tooth colored wires which will be used for an average treatment period of six months (regular braces or aligners can take years). The aim is to improve the cosmetic appearance of your teeth that show when you smile. It gently and quickly moves the teeth to correct position.
  • Six Month Smiles could be the right option for you if your smile shows crooked teeth or alignment problems but you don’t see any need to improve your bite. It is great for adults who need virtually invisible, clear adult braces.  Your Charlotte cosmetic dentists will help you evaluate if this is what you need to improve your smile.
  • Six Month Smiles is safe and effective. This accelerated treatment doesn’t mean that there is more force used; it uses gentle force, much lighter than traditional braces so there are fewer risks involved. Your trusted Charlotte cosmetic dentists are experts in a wide range of cosmetic dental procedures including traditional orthodontic treatments.

Your Charlotte, NC cosmetic dentists will discuss options for a retainer (either bonded or removable) which is needed to maintain the position of your aligned teeth after Six Month Smiles.

Visit your trusted cosmetic dentists in Charlotte, NC today to know more information about clear, virtually invisible braces – Six Month Smiles.

Six Month Smiles: Why it’s not too late for adult braces!

August 10, 2011

Carole King crooning in the background with “It’s Too Late” need not remind you of your problems with teeth alignment or gaps.  You can wear a professional suit in the corporate world while you’re on your way to having straightened teeth. How can you do it?  Six Month Smiles – now offered by your cosmetic dentists in Charlotte, NC.

If your problem is mainly with the teeth that show when you smile, this is the right adult braces for you for these reasons:

  1. This relatively new technology uses tooth colored nickel titanium wires and clear, translucent brackets that people would hardly notice.
  2. It  is safe and affordable! You can save time and money with Six Month Smiles.
  3. The treatment plan usually lasts just a few months (versus regular braces that take two years or more) because it deals only with the teeth that show when you smile.
  4.  These virtually invisible adult braces are actually painless and hassle-free that you can smile while wearing them. With just the right amount of force and gentleness, teeth alignment correction can be quick and easy. You don’t have to wait years to start smiling.

If you don’t need a major alteration to your bite but you want a better smile, Six Month Smiles works best.  Now that it’s available in Charlotte, NC, why not take the opportunity to improve your smile? It will do wonders for your self-esteem and confidence.  Why wait if you can ask your Charlotte, NC cosmetic dentist about it now?