In Charlotte NC, Dental Implants are the Option of Choice for Lost Tooth (Teeth)

June 11, 2011

Losing a tooth is bad, but losing a bunch of teeth (especially if it’s in front) is worse. How can you smile effectively and beautifully if you have gaps in your teeth? Try to see yourself in the mirror and it would probably freak you out.

It would probably have been a bit acceptable if the tooth (teeth) you lost is in the back portion. But since it’s in the front, then you need to act fast and seek help. The faster you act, the better you feel, and the quicker you’ll be able to smile wonderfully again. But you don’t have to worry anymore, because this time around, there is one great option for you.


You got that right! Dental implants will help you solve this problem. Losing a bunch of teeth needs to be fixed fast and dental implants can help you on this. Imagine yourself transforming from Mr. (or Mrs.) Missing-front-teeth to Mr. (or Mrs.) beautiful smile in just like that. With the help of dental implants, through the skilled hands of your Charlotte NC cosmetic dentist, you will find yourself looking in front of the mirror and feeling mighty confident.

The use of dental implants has been around for a long time, but it still feels new to us. In fact, Charlotte NC cosmetic dentists are always looking for ways and updating their skills in implant dentistry. They want all of their patients (including you) to have a wonderful experience, even when they are faced with those dreaded drills. With the help of sedation dentistry, any dental experience is just like going into a spa, relaxing.

But before you barge into a dental clinic and say that you want dental implants (I’m just a bit overstating of course), you need to undergo some examination and check-up first. Your cosmetic dentist will be the one to determine whether you are right for dental implants or not. If you are not right for it due to certain situations (ask your Charlotte NC cosmetic dentist for this), you will be advised on other effective options for your problem. But if you are physically viable for dental implants, then you will be advised to have dental implants.

An aluminum screw (or a composite screw) is placed in the drilled hole. It will be fixed in place and will remain stable and fixed for a lot of years. An abutment or post is in place for a dental crown. What’s great about dental implants are that they will look natural (and you’ll feel that way) when they are in place. In fact, most people who know you would be surprised when they see you with your new look.

Another good thing about dental implants is that they are functional and will help your bite become stronger. It will also prevent deterioration of your jawbone, which usually happens when there are no teeth in its place.

What more can you ask for? When you have problems with your teeth, you know where to go. It’s time to visit your Charlotte NC cosmetic dentist right away. And it’s time to have your beautiful smile back once again.