Is a root canal scaring you?

A lot of people avoid going to the dentist out of fear of a painful procedure. This is not good since one’s dental needs must be attended to. One procedure that many people fear is a root canal. The very thought of this procedure is already scary, which is why it’s a good thing that dentists now offer sedation methods to patients who have high anxiety levels during dental visits.

Portland Maine dentists offer options for patients who get nervous about dental procedures. Oral sedation is for patients who will undergo a long procedure or have severe anxiety about going through a dental procedure. After taking this sedation method, most patients experience an amnesia effect, which leaves them no memory of the procedure nor its length. For patients who just need to take the edge off the visit, dentists may offer anxiolysis or light sedation. The pill is taken one hour before the procedure, which will help them relax a bit.

Restorative and reconstructive surgery should not longer be feared with twilight dentistry. Are you ready to go through a procedure? Schedule a consultation with skilled dentists and ask about sedation methods they offer.

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