Reasons for choosing adult braces in West Haven and Milford CT

October 10, 2011

Get clear braces without the metallic hasslesIt’s never too late to straighten your teeth. No matter what age you are, you deserve a beautiful smile. Your dentist who specializes in adult braces can offer several options. Whether you wore braces as a kid or not, you can enjoy gorgeous teeth with amazing new techniques and products like Invisalign and Six Month Smiles. These new approaches reduce the cost of braces because they give you the results you want in less time.

  • When you meet people, your smile is your introduction. Modern orthodontic techniques ensure that your first encounter leaves a lasting impression. Products like clear braces and invisible braces help you make that initial introduction with ease and confidence. They also help you improve your teeth alignment without drawing too much attention to the procedure. People will notice your beautiful smile, not your braces.
  • With Six Month Smiles braces, you will notice that the cost of braces is affordable on your budget. You’ll get the results you want faster with fewer visits to the orthodontist.  Your orthodontist can reduce the pain and embarrassment of unsightly hardware. These new braces move the teeth gently and quickly.
  • Clear braces are as popular with teenagers as they are with adults. You can watch them smile more often and with confidence. They’ll smile bigger in school photos. They’ll look elegant at the Prom.
  • Adult braces can also help re-align the jaw so that ear pain and headaches disappear. A proper bite is key to reducing uncomfortable pain around the jaw.

It’s important to look your best. If you want to know more about options for adult braces, your West Haven and Milford CT cosmetic dentist will be eager to answer your questions.


Why choose tooth bonding?

October 3, 2011

Tooth bonding is one of the dental cosmetic procedures used to enhance the appearance of damaged teeth. It does not replace a damaged tooth but it sort of reconstruct and shaped it so that it has a more pleasing shape. Choose tooth bonding only with the recommendation of your cosmetic dentist.

The best person who knows how to fix your damaged teeth will be your cosmetic dentist who has thoroughly examined your teeth and their condition. They will be the best judge as to what kind of cosmetic dental procedure you need for your problem.

Dental bonding is a dental procedure that basically uses a composite resin which fixes a tooth structure or enhances its appearance. This is a highly effective dental remedy to problems like chipped and misshapen teeth. Unevenly spaced teeth can also be resolved with teeth bonding.

This procedure is oftentimes used in combination with other dental procedures which are all geared up to enhance the look of your teeth. Tooth bonding is not just for appearance sake; when used to bond receding gums which have exposed part of the teeth, this procedure will also eliminate the sensitivity you feel that stops you from enjoying cold food and beverages.

Dental bonding is relatively easy and in fact it will not take you the whole day to sit on a dental chair. If you are the kind of person whose tolerance for pain is so low or that you are very anxious, you can easily request your West Have CT dentist for a dental sedation prior any procedure so that you can be relaxed during the whole dental bonding procedure.

Charlotte’s One Stop Shop for Dental Implants

October 1, 2011

Many dentists now offer dental implants. However, only a few facilities in Charlotte offer complete support in using dental implants as denture alternatives.  It is also a complex discipline that requires years of experience and expertise in areas such as cosmetic dentistry and sedation dentistry.

Dental Implants at Ballantyne Center for Dentistry

To put it simply, dental implants are artificial substitutes for a damaged tooth root. They are great denture alternatives as modern implants support very realistic artificial teeth. They also do not require any special care. They are a far cry from dentures which can be unsteady, messy to eat with and are a potential choking risk.

There are a lot of benefits from dental implants.

  • They are used to provide an anchor for existing crowns or bridges to prevent further damage.
  • They can also replace one or more missing teeth to provide solid support to the surrounding teeth.
  • A great alternative for people who are told they need new dentures.

Depending on the Charlotte dentist, dental implants may even be painless. A sedation dentist can make your dental implants a completely painless process. Oral sedatives to induce a completely relaxed and numbed state can be used in most cases.

Charlotte area facilities offer implants by a cosmetic dentist using sedation dentistry. Call them for a consultation and find out if an implant dentist can provide you with permanent, low maintenance implants as denture alternatives.

Preventing teeth stains in West Haven

September 28, 2011

Teeth whitening treatment at Premier Dental CareAs you get older, your teeth will have some discoloration and staining as a result of your tooth’s enamel becoming worn with age. However, there are things that you can do to minimize, if not eliminate, the risks of teeth stains and keep your teeth white for as long as you can.

1. Lessen consumption of dark-colored liquids and foods. Dark liquids such as cola drinks, dark fruit juices, coffee, and tea can cause discolorations in your teeth. Also, foods with dark colors like blueberries, carrots, and soy sauce, can stain your teeth.

2. Check your medications. Some pharmaceutical drugs that you take may produce stains on your teeth, especially when permanent teeth are developing. A high amount of fluoride that can be found in water and toothpastes can also result in intrinsic teeth staining.

3. Don’t smoke. Aside from cigarette smoking being dangerous to your health, the nicotine contained in cigarettes is famous for causing dark stains in teeth.

4. Protect your teeth against cracks caused by bumping or biting on hard objects. A crack in your tooth’s enamel makes your tooth prone to staining from dark liquids and foods.

By keeping these practical tips in mind, you can avoid the most common causes of teeth staining and help your teeth to remain white. The whiter your teeth are, the better they look and so does your smile.

Your trusted West Haven dentist can guide you on how to maintain healthy-looking teeth and gums. If your teeth need whitening, or if you want them to look whiter, contact your cosmetic dentist for consultation and an appointment.

Finding Good Cosmetic Dentists in Charlotte through Dental Reviews

September 24, 2011

It is very helpful to use Charlotte’s Dental Reviews in choosing a good cosmetic dentist. Here are some tips:

Cosmetic Dentistry at Ballantyne Center for Dentistry

Continuing education for cosmetic dentistry

The Charlotte online dental reviews can tell you if the cosmetic dentist is making use of the latest technology and modern reconstructive dentistry and restorative dentistry techniques.

A gentle dentist who has a warm demeanor and builds good rapport

You would naturally want a cosmetic dentist who is gentle and have a warm and welcoming demeanor to help ease your anxiety and nervousness. It also helps if he has good rapport with his patients. Not only does a good cosmetic dentist performs the procedure, but also teaches the patient about good oral hygiene and will also share tips and advice.

The online Charlotte dentist reviews can help you learn more about a particular cosmetic dentist and whether he will be compassionate and caring in his work and has good rapport with his patients. You can also get this feeling from looking through the website, and also regularly reviewing a dentist’s Facebook page. Patients, especially satisfied patients, will leave very positive feedback about the cosmetic dentist who took care of them.

The Charlotte dental clinic and the dentist’s staff

Charlotte dental reviews also discuss about the hygiene and the cleanliness of the clinic. This is really important since a very clean clinic with a welcoming atmosphere speaks of a highly professional cosmetic dentist, a trustworthy dentist whom you would want to take care of you.

Still not decided on whom to choose as your cosmetic dentist? Do not fret. Read the best Charlotte online dentist reviews sites on the Internet now, and let these dental reviews help you make an informed decision in choosing the best Charlotte cosmetic dentists.

What’s the difference between a regular dentist and a cosmetic dentist in West Haven and Milford CT?

September 21, 2011

Cosmetic dentistry options at Shoreline Dental CareThere may be big similarities between cosmetic dentistry and general dentistry, but you really should not confuse the two.  Cosmetic dentistry covers general dentistry procedures and more. General dentistry practitioners cannot perform the functions of those who specialize in cosmetic dentistry.  So if you have extensive dental problems that cannot be addressed by your general dentist, you should consider the services of a reliable cosmetic dentist in West Haven and Milford CT.

Cosmetic dentistry to whiten your teeth

If you are hiding your smile simply because you feel uncomfortable with yellow or stained teeth-then getting your teeth whitened is a great solution.  Your dentist will whiten or bleach your discolored teeth using a special light and a very effective whitening gel. The special light will activate the compounds in the whitening gel so that it can penetrate the tooth and whiten them.  Professional teeth whitening is more effective than buying over-the-counter teeth whiteners.

You can also purchase whitening trays to maintain your teeth whitening. Your West Haven and Milford, CT cosmetic dentist will provide the trays and gel you can use at home to continue the process and keep your teeth bright and sparkling longer.

Cosmetic dentistry to fix uneven, misaligned, crooked, or a gap in your teeth

As an adult, having crooked teeth or teeth gaps can be very embarrassing.   There are several different choices for fixing adult teeth, and your cosmetic dentist can explain these options to you.

For cracked and damaged teeth, you may need a dental crown.  This is a procedure that requires making an impression of the tooth, and then a special cap is created for you. Don’t worry about the color though because your cosmetic dentist uses a color matching system that can precisely match the color of the crowns to the rest of your teeth to make them look more natural.

Cosmetic dentistry to straighten crooked teeth

Do you have problems with your bite?  Or even crooked teeth perhaps?  Then fret not because your cosmetic dentist in West Haven and Milford CT can also fit you with braces.  No more bulky, metal braces because, right now, there are invisible as well as clear braces to choose from.

Cosmetic dentistry to replace dentures or missing teeth with dental implants

Got a missing tooth?  Do you need dentures, or are you dissatisfied with your dentures and want dental implants so you can enjoy any type of food without worrying about the denture slipping?  If you do, then a visit to your dentist in West Haven and Milford CT will be beneficial to you. You can be fitted with dental implants or even partial dentures that are custom-made just for you.  Cosmetic dentists have advanced dental care training when it comes to creating and fitting dental implants and dentures, and they make use of state-of-the-art equipment to fit them on you at relatively pain-free procedures.  In just a few sessions, you will have a great smile.

These are just some of the procedures that you can benefit from cosmetic dentistry.

Orthodontics and braces questions to ask your West Haven and Milford CT cosmetic dentist

September 19, 2011

Options for clear braces at Shoreline Dental CareIf bulky and metal braces are the only thing that’s holding you back from getting your crooked teeth fixed, then worry no more.  With clear braces as well as invisible braces to choose from, you are soon to have a beautiful smile.  But because there are so many choices when it comes to adult braces, you would definitely need to consider seeking the expert opinion of your cosmetic dentist in West Haven and Milford CT.

There are different adult braces for you to choose from that your cosmetic dentist in West Haven and Milford CT will offer you.  Among the common ones are clear braces and invisible braces.  Both clear braces and invisible braces are not only very comfortable to wear, but they are also more pleasing to look at than the bulky, metal braces. The cost of braces differs though, and it depends upon the procedure as well as your cosmetic dentist.

Invisalign braces

A good example of clear braces is Invisalign, an excellent choice in adult braces.  Briefly, Invisalign is a series of clear braces that have been custom-made for your teeth using 3D imaging technology.  They are made from plastic, so it’s not going to be painful to wear, unlike metal braces that often irritate your gums as well as your cheeks.  After every two weeks or depending upon the severity of your teeth misalignment, you will need to go back to your cosmetic dentist in West Haven and Milford CT to have the next of the Invisalign series of aligner trays fitted to your teeth.  With Invisalign, too, you can enjoy eating the foods you normally enjoy as you can simply remove them when eating.  In addition, you can easily brush your teeth as well as floss them with Invisalign.

Six Month Smiles braces

If you want quicker results, then you should ask your cosmetic dentist in West Haven and Milford CT about the Six Month Smiles, which is another type of adult braces.  It is also called invisible braces simply because it makes use of tooth-colored wires as well as very clear brackets that make them nearly invisible.  As the name implies, you are bound to see good results in about six months, which is the biggest advantage of Six Month Smiles.  You might think that the process is painful because the Six Month Smiles procedure is going to exert strong forces to push your teeth into the desired position, but that is not true.  The force exerted by the Six Month Smiles to push your teeth to the desired position is very gentle.

The best type of adult braces for you

Your cosmetic dentist in West Haven and Milford CT will be able to help you choose the right clear braces.  There is also the option of traditional metal braces.  Consider the reasons why you are getting braces to help choose from the many orthodontic options:

If you need a quick fix, then Six Month Smile adult braces is the perfect one for you. This is also the perfect choice if you want quicker results.  On the other hand, if you want ease of use and comfort especially when you are eating and brushing your teeth, then Invisalign is your best option as you can easily remove them to eat or brush your teeth. The cost of braces varies, and this will depend not only on the chosen procedure but also on the cosmetic dentist services.

So, do you want more even and straighter teeth?

Porcelain veneers for confident smiles in Idaho Falls

September 19, 2011

Porcelain veneers for a smile makeover in Idaho FallsAs you get older, it is normal to develop problems with your teeth. These include tooth decay, chipped or broken tooth, and stained or discolored teeth – problems that could lead to your loss of confidence when smiling. By using porcelain veneers, your Idaho Falls dentist who offers cosmetic dentistry, can restore that confidence and give you your bright smile back.

What are porcelain veneers and what are they used for?

Using dental veneers is an option to enhance your smile if you have on e or more of the teeth problems mentioned above. This cosmetic dentistry procedure allows for correcting your teeth imperfections with the cosmetic purpose of improving the appearance of your teeth when you smile. Your trusted West Haven CT cosmetic dentist performs this procedure by creating dental veneers made of thin layers of porcelain that perfectly matches the color of your natural teeth. These laminates are bonded to your damaged or stained teeth to restore their shapes, sizes, and color.  Slightly misaligned teeth can also be made to look even with porcelain veneers.

Is the procedure painful?

Generally, the procedure for dental veneers is painless. For people who are anxious of pain that may result from the procedure, your West Haven CT cosmetic dentist can also offer sedation dentistry, providing options for a pain-free and comfortable experience.  The sedation dentist will help to relax your mind and body and ease any dental anxiety you may have. The only thing you will feel is the confidence that comes from having great and natural-looking teeth.

Why hide your smile because of damaged or stained teeth? Your local cosmetic dentist will gladly provide the solution that will restore your confidence  and give you the reason to show your smile more often. Consult your dentist today and get the smile you have always wanted.

Know What a Cosmetic Dentist Is and How to Find a Good One in Charlotte

September 17, 2011

It’s important to find the right dentist for you and your dental needs.  The older you get, the more problems you experience with your teeth and the more you will need cosmetic dentistry. Discolored teeth or missing teeth may bother you. Age should not matter. You want to look your best every day.

Cosmetic Dentistry at Ballantyne Center for Dentistry

What are cosmetic dentists?

Cosmetic dentists not only assess, diagnose, and treat your tooth problems, but they also perform much more specialized procedures like restorative dentistry as well as reconstructive dentistry.

What are the benefits of cosmetic dentistry?

  • Charlotte cosmetic dentists can fix crooked teeth with adult braces.  Adult braces such as tooth colored ones are options available from cosmetic dentists.
  • Your smile can be enhanced with LED teeth whitening procedures, and you can even go home with a teeth whitening pen to maintain your dazzling smile.
  • If you are suffering from a chipped or broken tooth or maybe even gapped teeth, then dental veneers or composite bonding will be of great help to you.
  • Cosmetic dentistry is also the perfect solution if you need to replace a tooth with a dental implant.
  • If you need more than just dental implants, especially if you have extensive dental problems, then reconstructive dentistry as well as restorative dentistry is the perfect solution for you.
  • Cosmetic dentists who also offer sedation dentistry can make extensive and long dental procedures easy by fixing your teeth in one visit, when possibly 2-3 visits is normally required.

With all these, you can improve your smile, boost your confidence, and simply feel more beautiful. Contact your Charlotte cosmetic dentists for more information on how to get the smile makeover you have always dreamed of.

Six Month Smile or Invisalign – Your Charlotte Dentist’s Tool to Straighten Teeth

September 17, 2011

Braces are the perfect solution to crooked or misaligned teeth.  However, most adult individuals think they are too old for shiny, metal braces.  But, don’t worry, because there are now clear braces, virtually invisible, that will suit you perfectly.  You can get these braces from your trusted cosmetic dentists in Charlotte NC.

Adult Braces at Ballantyne Center for Dentistry

The choices in braces

You no longer need to suffer teeth alignment problems for the rest of your life.  You may have heard of Invisalign- clear aligners, and now there are clear braces called Six Months Braces, as another choice for you.   Your teeth can be straight in approximately six month. With these options, you can find the right choice for you from your Charlotte cosmetic dentists.

The benefits of clear braces

  • Having your crooked teeth issues finally resolved without the hassle that metal braces usually give.
  • With straight teeth, you can properly clean them as well as maintain their cleanliness
  • With clean and well-maintained teeth, you can greatly reduce your risk of getting dental diseases such as tooth decay and gum diseases
  • Lastly, braces – be it clear braces or invisible braces, Invisalign or Six Month Smile – will give you a better bite, more confidence and assurance in yourself.

It’s finally time to get your crooked teeth straightened with one of the choices in adult braces. Make an appointment with your local Charlotte cosmetic dentists for a consultation.

Seek help from the best cosmetic dentist in Charlotte

September 17, 2011

Cosmetic dentists do not have any a special license to practice cosmetic dentistry. A regularly trained dentist can easily claim to be a cosmetic dentist and perform cosmetic dental procedures without worrying that patient can easily sue them for malpractice. This lack of standardization often times result to cosmetic dental treatments that fail.

if you are interested in a cosmetic dental procedure, it is important to go to dentists who have a proven track record in providing satisfactory results and has a long line of satisfied clients. Cosmetic dentistry is more of an art than anything else. A reliable dentist who efficiently manage your oral hygiene does not automatically become that cosmetic dentist who can give you a flawless smile. The approach of a seasoned general dentist is far different from the methods that an experienced cosmetic dentist will use. While the former is mainly concerned with fixing their patient’s teeth, the latter is concerned about the look and will oftentimes prescribe teeth reconstructions.

If you want to find the best cosmetic dentist who can satisfy your needs, you must consider the following before employing the dentist’s services:

  1. Consider the track record of the dentist concern. Listen to what their patients are saying about them.
  2. It will also be appropriate to ask about the dentist’s certification and specialization. Although certificates of training are often displayed on the wall of a dental clinic, it won’t hurt to ask about the training and specializations the dentist have undergone.
  3. Above all, only consider that dentist who is willing to discuss with you the procedure that is apt for your particular problem. Good and reliable cosmetic dentists will start with an evaluation to check if you are the best candidate for a particular cosmetic dental procedure. Not everyone is a good candidate for certain procedure and excellent dentists know that.

The only time you must decide to have a cosmetic dental procedure is only after finding the right cosmetic dentist whom you trust and feel to give you the best results.

A reliable dental care clinic for new patients

September 17, 2011

Looking for the right dental care specialist you can trust in a new place is not an easy task. For one thing it will be very difficult to find a reliable dental care specialist who is capable to provide you with the service you want. It will also be a little difficult to find a dental care clinic who will be willing to accept a new patient in short notice.

Best dental clinics are open to accept new patients and they are well equipped with the latest dental technology to serve their patients better. Most dental clinics try to restrict the number of patients they accept. They are ready to serve any additional patients because they have enough staff and dentists that provide top quality care and personalized services that they always guarantee to provide their patients.

West Haven and Milford CT dental reviews – a guide to looking for a trustworthy dentist

September 14, 2011

Read excellent dental reviews for Shoreline Dental CareThere are many dentists specializing in general and cosmetic dentistry in the area, but with West Haven and Milford CT dental reviews, you will be given a guide on how to choose the best dentist for your teeth and gum needs.  So, what are the advantages of dental reviews and how can it help you?

Search for trustworthy dentists in the online dental reviews

If you have no idea where to find a cosmetic dentist skilled in reconstructive dentistry or restorative dentistry, then West Haven and Milford CT dental reviews will be your best guide.  You can simply search for them online, and you will be given a list of dental reviews sites to choose from.  There are many different online directories and locations that have reviews of your dentist. Some of the places to find dental reviews are Google local places listings, Yahoo local, Manta, Merchant Circle, DexKnows, Insider pages and others.

Use online reviews to learn more about dentists and dental practices

The biggest advantage that West Haven and Milford CT dental reviews can give you is the chance to evaluate and assess the reputation and services of trusted dentists in the area before you use their services.  By visiting a dentist reviews site, you can read reviews, testimonials, and feedback from people in the area, maybe even your own neighbors.  The feedback and reviews can give you a good gauge on the performance of a dentist.  These can show you if he or she is a reliable dentist or not.

Negative reviews can also help you access a dentist. Sometimes a negative review can help you decide which dentist office not to see, and sometimes, while reading the compassionate and caring response of the dentist- you may decide from a negative review that this is the dentist you want to see. It’s helpful to read how a dentist responds to a patient’s complaint and issues.  This is especially important if you already have the name of a dentist in mind.  The dentist reviews can help you make in informed decision.

Help others by leaving your online dentist review

If the West Haven and Milford CT dental reviews helped you in choosing a trusted dentist, then it is natural for you to help others by leaving your own dental review after you have visited the dentist.  Your comments will help others decide which dental office to visit.   In dentist reviews, you may want to write about the friendliness of the staff, the expertise of the dentist, the cleanliness of the dental clinic, and the time you spent in the waiting area. You should also take note of the parking facility and its accessibility as well as proximity to the clinic.

So, are you in need of a trustworthy dentist in West Haven and Milford CT?  Log on to the Internet now and take advantage of the many dentist reviews available online.  Not only will dental reviews make searching for the best dentist more convenient for you as you can simply do the searching at home, but they will also help you make an informed decision in choosing the best dentist in town.

Which dentist in West Haven is accepting new patients?

September 14, 2011

Premier Dental Care welcomes new patientsNot everyone has access to a dentist. Finding a reliable dentist is not easy sometimes.  You want a West Haven CT dentist who you can go to when you need care, and cater to your dental care needs promptly and expertly.

Here are the reasons for making an appointment with your trusted Idaho Falls dentist:

  • They offer a complete line of dental services and specializes in many advanced dental procedures such as sedation dentistry, dental implants, and even helps with sleep apnea. Backed by years of experience and continuous studies, their dentists will not only accept you as a new patient, they will also guarantee your satisfaction!
  • With their friendly and caring dental team, you can set an appointment and be treated promptly. You might be a new patient yet you will immediately feel the warmth and familiarity of the staff. Your time will not be wasted by not having to wait for hours on end.
  • With cosmetic services and dental procedures such as dental veneers and dental implants; general dentistry such as root canal and dental prophylaxis; and advanced procedures such as sedation dentistry, the best dentists will ensure that your visit is as comfortable as possible.

Dental care is more than just a science. Dental care is an art. When we smile, the dentist’s signature is written all over our smile, so it is important to choose a highly-capable and experienced dentist in West Haven to work on that smile.

A great smile begins with healthy teeth. Contact your trusted West Haven dentist, and be accepted as a new patient.

The benefits of using a cosmetic dentist in West Haven and Milford CT

September 12, 2011

Cosmetic dentistry services offered at Shoreline Dental CareThere are many benefits to using a cosmetic dentist in West Haven and Milford CT if you want better-looking and whiter teeth.  A regular dentist will clean your teeth and maintain them, but the added training o f a cosmetic dentist specializes in cosmetic dental services that aim not only to enhance or improve the appearance of your teeth and gums but to improve their function as well.  Since some of the functions of the cosmetic dentist sound similar to a general dentist, here are some reasons you should use the services of a cosmetic dentist, instead of just visiting your regular dentist.

Why a cosmetic dentist?

Cosmetic dentists have gone the extra mile to further his education by taking extra courses in reconstructive dentistry as well as restorative dentistry after his regular dental education.  Cosmetic dentists attend additional cosmetic dental courses, along with various seminars and trainings that specialize in advanced dental care.  The main aim of a cosmetic dentist is to not only fix your dental problem but to also improve the way your teeth and gums look.  Cosmetic dentists enhance your appearance by giving you teeth that are more beautiful, more dazzling smile, and an overall boost in confidence.  These are but just some of the benefits of using a cosmetic dentist inWest Havenand Milford CT.

There are many benefits to using a cosmetic dentist in West Haven and Milford CT, including a dazzling, more beautiful smile.

Solve your problem with denture alternatives in Charlotte, NC

September 8, 2011

If you have some issues about missing teeth or ineffective dentures; if wearing these dentures is creating much distress on you particularly if your fear increases every time you open your mouth to chew food, then it is time to consider some denture alternatives.

One very popular denture alternative that has become a favorite of most patients is dental implant. They offer patients a permanent solution to missing teeth as well as other problems related to it. They literally replace your teeth because they are screw onto your gums and look and feel just like your real teeth. It also functions just like your real teeth so you don’t have to worry about breaking it when you bite into something that is a bit hard or sticky.

The procedure that your dentist uses to put in the implants into your mouth is an easy method that will not cause you a lot of trouble. You can also choose to have sedation dentistry so that you can have a painless dental procedure. Asking your implant dentist for any sedation will mean that you will be calm and relaxed during the dental implant procedure.

Opting for dentures can actually open your health to risks like more tooth loss as well as bone loss. This can happen when you have a partial denture which is normally attached to a healthy tooth and thus in some ways expose these teeth to future damage. It has also been proven that ill-fitting dentures create an ideal environment for bacterial growth.

The why and how of porcelain veneers in West Haven, CT and Milford CT

September 8, 2011

Porcelain veneers for flawless smiles at Shoreline Dental Care

There are many reasons why people choose to have porcelain veneers, and one of the main reasons is tooth discoloration.  Your teeth can become discolored by the root canal treatments that you may have had, and it can also be stained by the medications you use.  If you smoke, you can expect that the nicotine in the cigarettes can cause tooth discoloration.

Another reason for getting teeth veneers is chipped, worn down, or damaged teeth.  The older you get, the more brittle your teeth become, so the foods you eat can easily damage them.  People also get dental veneers because their teeth are misaligned.  These unevenly shaped or irregularly formed teeth cause not only discomfort but also embarrassment.

A gap in your teeth is also another reason why some people choose to have dental veneers, especially since the most common location of teeth gap is in the upper front teeth.  Having a gap in your teeth can be embarrassing when you smile.   Although teeth gaps are very common and do not cause physical problems, it does cause some awkwardness in the individual.  It’s important to be confident and pleased with your smile, and teeth veneers are a great way to fix this uncomfortable teeth issue.

Procedure for porcelain veneers

The procedure for porcelain veneers is relatively easy and simple.  It is minimally noninvasive and painless as it makes use of local anesthetic.  In just two or three appointments to your dentist, you will get to enjoy a smile makeover.

In the first visit ,your dentist, makes a thorough examination of your teeth and makes a diagnosis.  X-rays may also be taken at this point.  This is the best time to tell your dentist what you want to achieve from the treatment as well as your expectations.

Next, your dentist prepares your teeth for the dental veneers.  About half a millimeter of your tooth enamel will be removed.  Not to worry, a local anesthetic will be given to you to numb the area so you will not feel any pain.  Once done, he then makes a model or an impression of your teeth, after which he sends the impression to the dental laboratory where a specialist will make your custom-fit porcelain veneers.  Because it will take some time before your teeth veneers are ready, the dentist will provide you with a temporary one to place over your teeth.  This will give you an instant beautiful smile.

In your next visit, it’s time to get your teeth veneers. Your cosmetic dentist will then bond the porcelain veneers on your teeth.  Before permanently attaching the dental veneers though, the veneers will be checked against your other teeth to see if they fit and are properly aligned with the rest.  Otherwise, adjustments will be made; the veneers will be trimmed if necessary.

Once the fit is just right, Dr. Tartagni will then prepare your tooth for permanent veneer attachment by cleaning and polishing your teeth.  The dental veneers are then attached to the prepared teeth using a bonding material, which, when applied with a special white light, hardens quickly.  This process permanently bonds the veneers to your teeth.

For the last part of the treatment, your dentist will clean your teeth and make sure that all traces of excess bonding material are removed.  Dr. Tartagni will examine your brand new porcelain veneers, check the bite, make some final adjustments, and give you home-care instructions.

Thinking of getting porcelain veneers?

When you visit your West Haven, CT or Milford, CT dentist, be sure to ask him more about porcelain veneers.  Do not forget, too, to ask about the cost, as the cost will differ.  This will depend upon the number of teeth that you want to get fixed.  If you think that the cost is too much, do not hesitate to ask your dentist about financing options.

Having a smile makeover need not be hard with porcelain veneers.

Dental crowns provide a solution to teeth trauma or decay

September 7, 2011

Dental crowns for you at Shoreline Dental Care

A crown, in its most basic sense, is a restorative cap or cover that is placed over the affected tooth to amend its shape, strength and size. This teeth crown provides an aesthetically sound solution to teeth that may be cracked, broken or decayed. Although crowns were once made of gold, today they are made by using strong porcelain composite that looks like just like your real tooth.  A crown is hollow on the inside and fits over an existing tooth or a dental implant.  A crown may be created in a dental lab after the dentist takes impressions of your teeth. Sometimes old dental work can become damaged or loose. Once the old dental work is removed, a crown can be fitted over the existing tooth.

Permanent crowns as a reparative tool

Crowns are often used to strengthen teeth that have become damaged, loose or cracked. In addition, they are used to repair conditions such as a large filling, inadequate oral hygiene, ageing teeth, as well as excessive grinding of teeth or an improper bite.  While additional care is not required once the dental crown is placed, a patient needs to understand that the underlying tooth is still susceptible to decay or gum disease, therefore patients are still encouraged to follow good oral hygiene practices after the dental crown placement.

Other benefits of dental crowns

A dental crown is the ideal solution in the event that a weak tooth needs protection from breaking, and can be used to hold together parts of a cracked tooth. The procedure adopted by cosmetic dental practices in West Haven and Milford, CT enables the shape of the tooth to be restored, as well as its appearance. If your teeth are severely discolored or you may need to hold existing dental bridge in place, and perhaps even cover a dental implant, crowns provide a suitable solution for these needs.  In other cases, it is used to restore an already broken tooth, or one that has been severely worn down.

Life span of dental crowns

There are three materials commonly used in the manufacture of dental crowns.  Gold alloys, while being the least aesthetic material for dental caps owing to its yellowish color, is the most durable form of crown, with a life-span of up to 25 to 30 years – considering that oral hygiene is maintained. The porcelain crown has the most beautiful finish of all the materials used, as it gives a natural appearance to the tooth, but with a lifespan of around 10 years, it is less durable than gold crowns.

Dental practices also use a gold-fused-to-porcelain crown, which offers the aesthetics of porcelain and the strength of golf, and lasting around 15 years.  Your West Haven or Milford, CT cosmetic dentist will review the different options and advise you on the best dental crown for your particular tooth issue.

Taking the first step

Visit your cosmetic dental practice in West Haven or Milford, CT to assess whether dental crowns is suitable for you.

Dental Crowns for Chipped or Damaged Teeth

September 6, 2011

A beautiful smile can once again be achieved with the application of dental crowns. Charlotte’s skilled cosmetic dentists provide patients with many cosmetic dentistry options, including dental crowns, porcelain veneers and dental implants to give you a better smile.

Dental Crowns at Ballantyne Center for Dentistry

What is a dental crown?

Dental crowns or caps are often used to restore strength, as well as function to teeth injured by decay or trauma such as a weak tooth, or one that is malformed, or cracked.

CEREC and dental crown procedures

CEREC stands for CERamic REConstruction which restores your tooth with a natural tooth colored crown.

  • Your Charlotte cosmetic dentist will work to reshape the tooth using different procedures depending on the extent of the damage.
  • A photo is taken of your tooth using a special camera.
  • The photo is converted into a 3D virtual model and using CAD technology, your permanent tooth crown is designed on the computer, guided by your Charlotte cosmetic dentist.
  • The computer sends a digital version of the design to a milling machine that creates a ceramic tooth, designed specifically for your tooth and matching your tooth color.

Is a dental crown what you need?

Considering the extent of the damage and the biological make-up of your teeth, you should consult with your Charlotte cosmetic dentists to decide which type of dental crown or other cosmetic dental procedure best suits your needs.  Contact your Charlotte cosmetic dentists today to learn more about dental crowns and the options available to get you the smile you’ve always wanted.

How does the Six Month Smiles treatment fix my crooked teeth?

September 6, 2011

Six Month Smiles clear braces at Premier Dental CareEverybody deserves a great smile. Imagine yourself as an adult who is not confident with the way you talk, laugh or smile. Many adults are anxious about wearing metal braces, thinking it is something for teenagers, or that the dental procedure is too invasive or too costly. With the application of new techniques and innovative materials, a safe, effective, and affordable approach to fix your crooked teeth is available, and so is your Charlotte, NC cosmetic dentist.

Six Month Smiles, a revolutionary orthodontic technique, uses clear braces to gently but quickly align and straighten your crooked teeth in about six months time. If you are one of those who wanted a teeth straightening treatment but been repelled by the idea of wearing metal braces everyday for thee years, here is the answer to fix your misaligned teeth and give you a confident smile. The benefits of Six Month Smiles dental treatment include:

  • The wires used match the colour of your natural teeth and are barely noticeable.
  • Instead of waiting three years, results are achieved in six months.
  • The discomfort of wearing braces is kept to a minimum, as the teeth are adjusted to position using low force.

Your Charlotte, NC cosmetic dentist can recommend Six-Month Smiles to correct various orthodontic problems, including:

  • Crowding – when teeth are too close together and are misaligned
  • Gaps – when there are spaces between the teeth
  • Overbite – when teeth overlap too much
  • Overjet – when front teeth stick out
  • Underbite – when lower teeth stick out
  • Crossbite – when upper and lower teeth bite on the wrong side of each other
  • Openbite – when teeth do not meet when you bite
  • Misplaced midline – when the centre lines of upper and lower teeth don’t align

You can take the first step towards improving your smile and your confidence by consulting with your Charlotte, NC trusted cosmetic dentist. Call today and learn more about Six Month Smiles.